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Most migraine sufferers get a warning signal before the start of the migraine headace like,  the tingly feeling in their arms and legs, blurry vision and the observation of spots and coloured flashes. Some people who experience migraines can clearly identify triggers or factors that cause the headaches, such as allergies, light and stress.

The head pain that happens with migraine is usually a severe, pounding headache that can last for hours or even days.  Usually a migraine affects only one side of the head. The trigeminal nerve, located in the head, runs your eyes and mouth. It also helps you feel sensation in your face and is a major pathway for pain.  When your serotonin level drops at the start of a migraine, this nerve may release chemicals called neurotransmitters that travel to the brain and cause pain.

You know how yours start, but you do not have an idea why you get them. There are a few over the counter medications that can eliminate or reduce pain, but the best way is to prevent your migraines in such a way that you don't get them anymore.

 Here are a few causes for migraine headaches:

  • Change in hormone levels. Women may experience migraine headaches during menstruation, due to hormonal changes.
  • Emotional triggers. Stress, depression, anxiety, excitement and shock can trigger a migraine.
  • Physical causes. Tiredness, insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, poor posture and physical overexertion have all been linked to migraine.
  • Genes.  If someone in your family gets migraine headaches, you're more likely to get them than someone without that family history.
  • Age.  Migraine headaches can hit at any point in your life, but you're more likely to get your first one in your teens.  The headaches tend to peak in your 30's and become less severe later in life
  • Sensory overload.  Bright lights, loud sound and strong smells can bring these headaches in some people.
  • Diet.  Alcohol and caffeine can contribute to triggering midraines.  Some specific food can also have this effect; chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, salty food, food that contains the additive tyramine.
  • Certain medications.  Some sleeping pills, hormone replacement therapy medication, and contraceptive pills are also possible triggers.
  • Skipping meals. In some people, when skipping a meal, your blood sugar could drop, triggering a migraine.

Now what can you do to prevent them:

There are a few every day things you can do, to see if that helps.

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Reducing stress
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Avoid certain food
  • Regular exercise, but not overdoing physical exercise.

If the above changes do not relieve the symptoms of frequency of your migraines, get futher advice or treatment.

For women it is necessary to test hormone levels to see if that might not be the problem.

A health scan will be able to pin point the problem, and in that way you will be able to illiminate migraines totally.

We recomment Naturo's Migraine drops to releave migraine headaches. Hormone Support if the problem is hormonal. Stress Free, if the problem is stress related.  

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